måndag 19 augusti 2019

Summary 2019

Summary of  total 78 QSO:s and 27 DXCC, distributed according to band:

80m 5 st.​

40m 15 st.​

30m 4 st.​

20m 15 st.​

17m 1 st.​

fredag 16 augusti 2019

Many stations on 20 and 40 M

Quite good signals on 20m and 40 m this evening, We have two stations running at the moment.

Qrv from Segerstad

Finally we are ready for the Lighthouse weekend, 2 stations up and runing with a G5RV, 1/4 vertical for 40m and a half rombic for 40-10 m. Just had some barbeque and now some DX.

söndag 17 mars 2019

Lighthouse weekend 2019

We are planning to visit Segerstad this year, so stay tuned for more info.

73 de crew Sm7spp, Sm7tvc, Sm7sel, Sm7ohe and Sa7bhq.